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A Prayer

I’m experimenting with combining images of line drawing and acrylic painting in Photoshop, and coming up with things like this.

I have come to realize that I need to pray. Like, I have a need to offer prayers. Though I have left behind the notion of a father god and am allowing for more unknowing in my life these days, some things are still firm. The desire for goodness, wellness, and wholeness – for all things. That is firm.

Recently in an sdi webinar, @imamjamalrahman with us that we know God is close when we are troubled. When we are filled with longing, this is the Presence of the Divine. Anyone else troubled these days? Anyone else longing? How naïve it feels to even consider hope as a posture.

One book that is always on an accessible shelf in my home is God of Love by @mirabaistarr. This morning I read, “Your God transcends gender. And yet She is also Mother. She is Shekhinah, pillar of holy fire, guiding you through the wilderness. …She is Shakti, coursing through you with unbearable longing.”

So after reading that, I picked up my sketchbook and drew this.

May you encounter new springs, and be refreshed, under scorching suns.