Spiritual guidance is a safe and sacred space. I am your host, and my approach is informal and welcoming – there’s no stuffiness or formality. The space is yours, and I try to offer you just what you need. There is no judgement in this space, only compassionate listening and soul friendship. If you need to cry, or swear, or scream – go for it. If you need to spend an hour sitting silently together, lets do it. If you have that one strange experience that you can’t imagine talking about with anybody – this is a space to courageously bring those experiences.

By doing so, you will realize you have integrated your experiences, deepened your engagement with life, and can walk your journey with more clarity, confidence, and authenticity.

I can host one-on-one spiritual guidance sessions occur in person, or over zoom. Due to the pandemic, in-person sessions are limited to outdoor settings, such as backyards, parks, or walks (though I honestly don’t find that too limiting!). Here’s what you can expect:

  • Sessions last one hour, and occur roughly once a month.
  • We can open with a 1-2 minute silence. This can be done with a prayer, a poem, a sacred text, or nothing at all. Some people have something they are resonating with that they like to open with, and others prefer me to guide this. It’s entirely up to you.
  • Then I’ll ask you, “How are you?” – with genuine curiosity about whatever might be stirring for you.
  • The rest of the session is yours to explore these questions, and especially your own. My job is to listen deeply and to hold a safe, non-judgmental space for you to explore what matters to you.
  • I am listening for ways you might name the sacred in your life, and I will gently point these out to you. If I make suggestions or comments, they are intended to help you dig deeper and notice where your heart may be leading you.
  • In the days and weeks between sessions, I hope you will contemplate the stirrings that arise for you in a session – via meditation, journaling, and walking – or however you best integrate the deep wisdom that is always available to you.

Please take a look at the Intake Questionnaire linked here. It is meant to help us establish some ground rules for this journey, and to help you discern where you are at right now: Intake Questionnaire – Spiritual Guidance – 2021

I adhere to the Guidelines for Ethical Conduct by Spiritual Directors International. I also aspire to the hallmarks outlined in the Portrait of a Spiritual Director/Companion. As I seek to continually grow and be accountable to my practice, I myself have a spiritual director who I work with, and actively engage in spiritual direction supervision.

I’m available in person, sitting in our backyards, at a park, or going for a walk. I can also connect over Zoom. Contact me via the form below.