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Commission Project for Avalon Properties

I recently completed a series of four drawings based on walks in the Seattle area. These drawings were framed and installed for Avalon Properties (who build condo and apartment buildings in the Seattle are) in their office lobby.

I completed the walks, through four Seattle neighborhoods (and downtown Bellevue, Washington) in November 2020. Below are the Google Maps screengrabs I used as reference for the walks and the drawings.

Capitol Hill, with I-5 carving through the landscape.
Ballard, NW Seattle.
Downtown Bellevue. The Downtown Park is distinctive in the lower-left. Yellow line is the KML data of the recorded GPS walk.
Elliott Bay, Belltown, Seattle. Line is the recorded GPS data walked.

Below are the finished drawings (ok, two of them are watercolor – technically paintings. I’ve always considered the walks themselves as the initial action of “drawing”):

Walk through Ballard, watercolor, 22″ x 28″

Walk through Capitol Hill, watercolor, 22″ x 28″
Walk through Ballard, watercolor, 22″ x 28″
Walking Bellevue, graphite and pastel on paper, 30″ x 40″, 2021
Walking Belltown (Seattle), graphite and pastel on paper, 30″ x 40″, 2021