If you’ve read any of Rabbi Rami Shapiro’s books or listened to his own podcast for Spirituality & Health Magazine, you know he engages spirituality with deep reverence and humorous wit. Both “sage” and “trickster”, he invites us to examine our beliefs and our spiritual practices with open hearts, so that we can better companion others on their spiritual journeys. Listen to this new episode of SDI Encounters in which I and Rabbi Rami talk in-depth on his definition of spiritual companionship, learning to embrace evil, the role of mysticism, and how to map a Pathless Land using a compass which can only point back to oneself.
EP133 – Rabbi Rami Shapiro – Wandering the Pathless Land | SDI Encounters (podbean.com)
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Rabbi Rami Shapiro is an award-winning teacher and author of over thirty-six books on religion and spirituality. A rabbinic chaplain with the U.S. Air Force for three years, a congregational rabbi for twenty years, and a professor of religious studies for ten years, Rabbi Rami currently codirects the One River Foundation, a 501(c)3 educational institution devoted to perennial wisdom (www.oneriverfoundation.org). Rami is also a Contributing Editor at Spirituality and Health magazine where he writes the Roadside Assistance for the Spiritual Traveler column for the print magazine, the Spirituality & column for the digital magazine, and hosts the magazine’s bi-weekly podcast, Spirituality & Health with Rabbi Rami (www.spiritualityhealth.com).