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A Gratitude Meditation for Spiritual Companions (SDI Podcast)

For this week’s SDI podcast, I wrote and recorded a short meditation on gratitude for spiritual companions. It offers a few specific prompts, each related to key aspects of the service of spiritual companionship, with a bit of silence in between. I hope you find it helpful and encouraging!
Gratitude is a universal practice of orienting ourselves towards the fact that our very lives are a gift. It is essentially a posture or a lens through which we see the arrangements and circumstances of our very existence. Do we view the world with a sense of scarcity, and lack, and pessimism? Or do we view it as a place of abundance, and beauty, and hopefulness?
We practice gratitude for the good things in our lives, but also for the challenges. Because by being challenged, we are stretched, we soften, and we grow in our capacity to be more compassionate, and we grow in the wisdom of what it is to be human.